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Reactions content model

A reaction can be a review, a comment, a like or any type of reaction you can establish. You can create your own reaction types.

You can tailor every reaction type with its own set of fields, rules and actions.


Each reaction type consists of a set of fields that you can define.

NameGraphQL typeDescriptionLimits 
Text (short)StringShort text85 characters max.
Text (long)StringLong text5,592,415 characters max.
Text (HTML)StringContent with HTML tags5,592,415 characters max.
Number (integer)NumberA whole numberfrom -2^9 to 2^9
Number (decimal)NumberA decimal numberfrom -2^35 to 2^35
Date and timeDateTimeA date and time in ISO 8601 format.
 BooleanBooleantrue or false
 RelationTypeAnother reaction type


You can define a set of relations to other types of reactions. You can choose between one-to-one and one-to-many relations.

Example: Say you show movie reviews. These reviews can contain multiple comments and multiple likes. In this case, you have a one-to-many relation between reviews and comments, as well as between reviews and likes.

Default Fields

Every reaction includes the following default fields:

NameGraphQL typeDescription 
idIDId of the reaction (uuid)
typeEnumType of reaction
statusEnumstatus (awaiting moderation, accepted etc.)
createdDateTimeDate created
updatedDateTimeDate updated
deletedDateTimeDate deleted

Default Relations

Every type of reaction has a relation to a user, a target and a source as described in our domain model.

In addition to these relations, there exists a relation to the root reaction and a parent reaction.

Example: Say you show movie reviews. A review (R) has comments (C1). A user can write a comment (C2) to the comments (C1). Let's look at comment C2. The root reaction of comment C2 is review R. The parent reaction of comment C2 is comment C1.